Discover Madidi

A Tapestry of Wild Amazonia in Bolivia

Madidi National Park, spanning across the lush lowlands of the pampas and the dense forests of the selva, offers a sanctuary where the wild reigns supreme. Here, we introduce you to a world where each corner of this vast park promises an authentic adventure and a profound connection with nature.

Highlights and Activities

Explore the dense, verdant jungles of Madidi’s selva, a biodiverse haven that is home to an incredible array of wildlife. This region offers:

Wildlife Safaris
Venture into the jungle with our expert guides for a chance to spot endemic species such as the majestic jaguar, playful spider monkeys, and the elusive spectacled bear. The selva is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, teeming with exotic birds like the scarlet macaw and the harpy eagle.
Nature Walks and Interpretation: Engage in guided walks through the forest, where you’ll learn about the medicinal uses of plants, the complex ecosystem, and the conservation efforts that protect this vital part of the Amazon.

Experience sustainable living in our eco-lodges, designed to blend seamlessly into the surrounding landscape while providing comfort and minimizing environmental impact. These lodges are perfect bases for your rainforest adventure, offering serene views and the sounds of the wild.

Madidi’s Pampas Region
The open grasslands and wetlands of the pampas provide a stark contrast to the dense foliage of the selva. Here, the activities focus on the aquatic and open savanna environments:

River Cruises
Glide along the rivers that snake through Madidi, observing wildlife from the water. This peaceful approach allows close encounters with aquatic species and birds without disturbing their natural behaviors.

Fishing with Conservation in Mind
Participate in catch-and-release fishing, targeting species like the golden dorado and piranha. This sustainable practice provides thrilling fishing experiences while ensuring the conservation of these species for future generations.

Community-Based Tourism
Engage with the local indigenous communities such as the Tsimane, Tacana, Moseten, and others who are integral to the region. Learn about their traditions, crafts, and the sustainable practices that have shaped their interactions with the environment for centuries.

Endemic Wildlife of Madidi
Madidi is a haven for conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike, offering encounters with diverse fauna such as capybaras, anacondas, and the pink river dolphin. The park’s commitment to preserving its vast array of flora and fauna makes it a key destination for those interested in biodiversity and conservation.


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We will be happy to answer any questions or requirements to create the perfect program for you.